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Bucle infinito

Original – Español

¿Cuándo cesarán las pesadillas? Me preguntaba mi hermana mientras se abrazaba a mí, de mis ojos brotaron unas lágrimas, no de terror sino de impotencia. Hace ya un tiempo que nuestros sueños se conectaban y la pesadilla surgía, no lo habríamos notado si no fuera por la casualidad que un día nos hizo decir: “Anoche soñé feo”. La angustía se asomaba por sus ojos cada que yo volvía del trabajo, mi semblante tal vez no la reconfortaba porque me veía en ella como un espejo. Nada podíamos hacer, sólo resistir y continuar sumergidas en ese bucle infinito que se formaba cuando sus cabellos alcanzaban los míos.

Un lugar en el sol

English – Eternal Loop

“When will the nightmares stop?” My sister asked me while she held on to me. A river of tears wormed down my face, tears not from terror but from impotence. It has been a while since our dreams have been linked, and the nightmare emerged; we might never have noticed it had it not been for the coincidence that one day made us say: “I had a bad dream last night.” The impossibility of putting into words what those nightmares were about only confirmed what the other one felt. The angst was noticeable in her eyes whenever I came back from work. My countenance perhaps did not comfort her, for I saw myself in her as in a mirror. There was nothing we could do other than hang on and keep ourselves under that eternal loop formed when her hair touched mine.
